S.M.B. Artist
"Working with Erik's unique combination of movement, awareness and breath has been transformative and really helpful in naming patterns in my body and reclaiming balance in my stance, my walk/posture and my breath. Being able to tap into the power in my core - feeling it, first, expressing it, and finally use it to fuel my actions in my life. I am grateful also for the emotional release that comes naturally when I am taught to pay attention in a very gentle, playful and loving way to my body's patterns, pain or needs."
— S.M.B. Artist
Lina from Dubai
“I am always touched by your choice of words.
You have a way of imbedding the images you create deeply into my physical body, for a better visceral understanding. Punctuating movement with awareness was a HUGE statement that simply pierced through and, in a flash, transformed my inside movement and awareness of the minutest gesture. “
— Lina from Dubai
so awesome….really
teaching tonight and bringing you in with me
just wanting you to know you will be named and honored
as I bring my own tweak to walk to dance to walk
gravity and breath, feet and load transfer,
soft knees, pelvic floor and tail
undulation, dropped jaw
pinkie to scap, thumb to pec….moving in it since….
— Bella
Johanne Marie
“Erik, Mais encore MERCI, C'etait un autre groupe formidable. Une autre occsionde nous reconnecteravec nous-memes et les autres. Tu es l'origine de ca et je veuxj juste te redire combien j'apprecie ce que tu nous donnes a exprimer . Par le musique ,tes mots, ton non Judgement, par l'espace et les permissions, que tue nous offres. Comme je suis reconnaissante.”
— Johanne Marie
Damion Sharpe
“Erik Iversen is an amazing fully connecting and enlivening inspiring guide into mapping your authenticity within through movement and dance. He creates space for ease, grace, freedom, expression and magic to unfold/twist/twirl/sweep through your body and into the world”
— Damion Sharpe
Penny Hodgkinston
“Hope our paths meet up again in the future, love and warm hugs.
P.S. feedback from dancers in Oslo was awesome: they just loved you, got a sense you really woke them up in their bodies….giving them a good shake up. You did the same for me at the London workshop, being so mindful of body and all, stay with your light and inspirational passion. ”
— Penny Hodgkinston