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Movement Playground-Return to Innocence

Movement Playground-Return to Innocence

Emma Leech and Erik Iversen

Curiosity will guide us into our movement enquiry, following and listening to our unfolding physical language in the dance. Tapping into that child like innocence with playful abandon, remembering what it was like to be excited by our world, new, fresh, invigorated, seeing with unfiltered eyes, feeling, being, exploring movement with each other, a playground of possibility.

Innocence is no-mind, like the mind of a child.

This creative expansion of new ways of moving defines play. Play is fertilizer for brain plasticity, Are you willing to express with full body intelligence within the group resonance of a 5Rhythms authentic and open movement space? Join us in illuminating and welcoming a fresh and deep relationship to yourself, to your bones, to your flesh and to your fascia.

This increase in your physical literacy has a direct and positive impact on your creative abilities too. By expanding your physical proprioception, you expand your creative perception because the sensory and creative parts of your brain work together.
If you’re a lover of movement, this playshop will stretch your physical imagination and invite you into new realms of expression.

Erik Iversen is a founding member of the 5Rhythms worldwide community. He was in the his first training with Gabrielle Roth in 1981 and became one of her first workshop producers out of Montreal in the 1980’s. Over the next 40 years, he practised and taught the 5Rhythms as well as maintaining a one-one-one bodywork practice; over time he integrated the wisdom he gained from hands-on work with the insight from guiding thousands of dancers on the dancefloor. In 2016, he graduated from the 2-year Leadership and Transformation training at the Hendricks institute, and is now a certified coach. In 2017, Erik co-founded Kite Parade Co ( and in 2020, he designed the Somatomy™ series, a 3-part training that guides participants through an in-depth, experiential understanding of their anatomy and offers powerful tools for creating deep presence and flow through movement and conscious embodiment.

Emma Leech: I have been dancing 5 Rhythms since 1991, I trained to teach it after some resistance to be a teacher for 10 years...finally seduced by the Lady of the dance herself Gabrielle Roth and completed the training in 2001. I fell deeper into the mystery of the dance and its healing Art form and have now been teaching 5 rhythms Waves and Heartbeat level in ...prisons, addiction programs and with children at risk, as well as my workshops globally and weekly classes. I continue to follow the flow of invitations and my intuition . Film has given me another sense to explore.

September 10

Somatomy™ Module 1 Online

October 15

Somatomy™Module 2